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NVIDIA Tries To Poison Media With Lead Painted Coffee Mugs

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 9:58 am
by Apoptosis
Legit Reviews just made it out to San Jose for the 2010 NVIDIA GPU Technology Conference and the swag bag this year was rather interesting. Inside a plastic tote was a Coffee Mug for the conference.
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We noticed the coffee mug was rather nifty, so we had a closer look at it...
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We found this nifty little warning sticker that informs the user that it has lead and/or cadmium on the exterior of the product... I guess you shouldn't be licking the outside of the mug anyway, but it is sad that other materials were not used to make the cup more 'green' like the industry is going.
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I guess NVIDIA tried a bit with their recycled plastic bag that was made from four 20oz plastic bottles.

Learn more about how NVIDIA is green at
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Wait a second... Read #3.... Non-toxic gifts... A lead and/or cadmium painted coffee mug...

Don't drink the kool-aid folks!