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i7-980X Gulftown 4.43GHz BIOS Template

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 12:08 pm
by SirJamesDDJ
Mother Board (EVGA X58 Classified 760)
Drivers (
Bios (S649)
CPU (Intel i7-980X )
CPU Cooler (Swiftech Apogee XT)
Memory (6GB G.Skill Perfect Storm DDR3 2000)
PSU (Antec TPQ1200W)
GPU (2x XFX 5870 XXX Edition CrossFireX)
Drivers (Catalyst 10.3)
Operating System (Windows 7 64-bit Professional)

Frequency Control
CPU Clock Ratio (31x)
CPU Host Frequency (Mhz) (143)
MCH Strap (auto)
CPU Uncore Frequency (Mhz) (4013/28x)
CPU Clock Skew (disabled)
Spread Spectrum (disabled)
PCIE Frequency (Mhz) (100) If using SSDs, Check with your SSD manufacturer before raising above 100.

Memory Feature
Memory Speed (Standard)
Memory Control Setting (Enabled)
Memory Frequency (1867MHz/2:14)
Channel Interleave Setting (6 way)
Rank Interleave Setting (4 way)
Memory Low Gap (auto)
tCL Setting (8)
tRCD Setting (8)
tRP Setting (8)
tRAS Setting (21)
tRFC Setting (74)
Command Rate (1T)

Voltage Control
EVGA VDroop Control (Without Vdroop)
CPU VCore (1.40625)
CPU VTT Voltage (+175)
CPU PLL VCore (1.425)
**IOH PLL VCore (1.425)
DIMM Voltage (1.65)
DIMM DQ Vref (+0mV)
QPI PLL VCore (1.275)
IOH VCore (auto)
IOH/ICH I/O Voltage (auto)
**BR04 ( NF200) Voltage ( ) (only on E-759)
**VTT PWM Frequency (490 KHz)
**CPU PWM Frequency (1210 KHz)
**CPU Impedance (auto)
**QPI Signal Compensation (auto)
ICH VCore (1.100)
*PWM Frequency ( )

CPU Feature
Intel SpeedStep (Disabled)
Turbo Mode Function (Enabled)
CxE Function (Disabled)
Execute Disable Bit (Disabled)
Virtualization Technology (Disabled)
Intel HT Technology (Enabled)
Active Processor Cores (All )
QPI Control Settings (Enabled)
QPI Link Fast Mode (Enabled)
QPI Frequency Selection (4.8 GT/s)
OC Recovery (Disabled)
Turbo Performance (Disabled)

PnP/PCI PCI Express
Maximum Payload Size (4096)

Power Management Setup
ACPI Suspend Type (S1)
HPET Support (Enabled)
HPET Mode (64-bit)