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Networking help

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 9:44 pm
by Guru
Hi Guys,

I am in need for some help/advise.

Family friend is opening Veterinary Clinic and he wants me to do their networking stuff.

They want me to connect their computers so they can internally work on the Software. Kind of like Home network.

I don't have much details on their needs but I'd like to know how do i make it work? What kind of equipments am I going to need? What cable should I run..5, 5e or 6? Should I also run phone wiring as well?

Re: Networking help

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 7:49 am
by kenc51
Find out how many computers are on the network and what type of internet access first.
You might only need to run some cat 5 cable if there\s 3-4 PC's.

Re: Networking help

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:44 am
by Guru
Ok so i have details and client's needs.

It's a veteninary clinic. They use AVIMark software.

- 3 Desktop computers in total.
- 1 all-in-one printer
- 1 dymo label printer

Needs to install AVIMark software into main computer and be able to access the software from 3 computers.

Also out of 3 computers..only 1 computer needs internet connection. Client does not want to have internet connection on the 2 computers.

Re: Networking help

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:05 pm
by vbironchef
If all computers are using windows 7 it should be easy. Just map network drive. Give master folder permissions with windows 7 home groups. Make sure you adjust firewall settings.

Re: Networking help

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:10 pm
by Guru
vbironchef wrote:If all computers are using windows 7 it should be easy. Just map network drive. Give master folder permissions with windows 7 home groups. Make sure you adjust firewall settings.
Yes, all the computers are going to have windows 7.

And should I custom build the computers or buy it from Dell? I have an option of either one.

Re: Networking help

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:27 pm
by DragonFury
If you know how to build em, them go with you building them because you can ensure top quality parts. and greater flexibility for possible upgrades later.

Re: Networking help

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:32 pm
by vbironchef
If you don't want to babysit their rigs, I say buy a dell or hp. I would buy rigs with a intel 2600k processor in it. Sometimes when you build it yourself, you are held responsible and I don't advise it.

Edit: DragonFury, point well taken. What if they are not happy with the build. Example, to noisy, don't like the look. Who do I call if something goes wrong? Sounds to me like a pain in the neck. Let the warranty and tech support handle all of that.

Edit: I would make one of the computers a laptop and add a tablet computer (apple I-pad 2). They would probably prefer some type of mobility. Don't forget surge protection and a external hard drive to back up all data.

Edit: I would buy a very fast router as well. They may change their mind about only having one computer on the web. If you can do it all wireless the better. I recommend Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 as your firewall, anti-virus, and spyware protection plan.

Re: Networking help

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 4:26 pm
by DragonFury
Noisiness is not a issue, you have access to a lot of different affordable heatsinks out on the market today. If you want to keep the cost down while provideing enough umpth behind the machine then the new AMD LLano quads be a perfect candidate. You can get a CPU, motherboard, memory, and possibly squeeze out a HDD for the cost of a 2600K CPU.

Re: Networking help

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 4:56 pm
by vbironchef
:shock: For three hundred bucks you can buy a ... 6819115071 He never mentioned price. He is asking this question not for home, but for a businesses. It would be cost effective if everything was ordered already built. Much easier doing taxes. Not to mention less headaches for everyone.

Guru, what are you going to do?

Edit: Guru, I think you should talk to the vets and explain to them that they should buy either the computers from dell or all the parts you would build yourself and they keep the receipts so to get a tax deduction for their business.

Re: Networking help

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 8:01 pm
by Guru
Thank you guys for your input, appreciate the help.

About the custom build, I am not too sure if i want to go that route. It's the same reasoning that vbironchef stated.

The client wants the build, based on the software requirement which they will be using the computers for.

There is no budget set as of now. I have to find research and give the price so, if you can help me find something similar to software requirements.

The requirements of the software is listed on this website

Now the question is: Do I need a server to install the software on it and have the 2 workstation connect to it? or just 3 workstations will do it?

Re: Networking help

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:31 am
by kenc51
Don't build, get from HP or Dell. You get the warranty; which trust me is important.
You dont want to getting calls from them when / if something goes wrong. They should be able to call support themselves if required.
You could also get a deal with Dell if you order over the phone. If they don't offer money off on the systems, tell them to give you 2yrs AV software subscription for free or you're taking your business elsewhere. You can be sure they will give you something free then, even if it is just an upgrade in after sales support or something.

2x desktops and 1x laptop would be a good choice, but leave that to the client.
A Cisco SMB class router would be best for them. They are easy to configure, quite cheap and are reliable.

Talk to Dell / HP about them supplying the AV software. This makes things easier for your client later on.

Remmember you must look after the client first, do what is easier and less potential problems for them.
They will reward you later on via word of mouth. This is the only way to make it in this business now a days.