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Which eReader?

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 7:14 am
by XstollieX
I'm thinking about picking up a an eReader for the wife. Truth be told I'm a little in the dark when it comes to tablets and ereaders. I was thinking something along the lines of the kindle fire. I know there is other options out there, what do you guys suggest? I know at least a few of you guys still know how to read :lol: :lol:

Re: Which eReader?

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 11:46 am
by Major_A
Kindle Fire sucks. I set one up for a friend of the family a few weeks back. I told everyone I know to avoid it like the plague. If you want to get it for Christmas then take a look at the Nook Tablet ($250).

Otherwise get a tablet and put an eReader software on it. If you aren't in any hurry then your best bet is the Archos 70b.
The problem there is I don't think available yet.

Other tablet option.
$250 - Acer Icona Tablet 8GB

Re: Which eReader?

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 4:42 pm
by DaddyRabbit
It depends on what it is going to be used for.

If all you need is an e-reader and not a lot else then I would think the Fire would be OK according to a lot of reviews I've read, as a tablet I would have to agree with Major_A and he had the advantage of having to set one up.

If it IS just an e-reader use though I would look at the Kindle Touch 3G. That way you can download books anywhere versus just when you are in range of an open Wi-Fi hotspot.. it's only $149 as well. The e-ink display is very good for reading.

To be honest, I use the Kindle app on my DroidX daily.

Re: Which eReader?

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 5:10 pm
by pwcmed
I don't think I have ever disagreed with Major. I think the kindle fire is actually pretty good for the price. What does suck about it is the web browser, now that sucks. It's slow and unresponsive at times. If you just want a reader the kindle 3g is a good choice, great battery life, large selection and light weight.

Re: Which eReader?

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 10:15 pm
by Major_A
I'll elaborate on what I do not like about the Fire. To be fair some of the issues I had a few weeks ago are supposed to be addressed with the update they released today.

1] The GUI. It's supposed to be laid out simple. Problem is it's cluttered and not that user friendly.
2] The file formats have to be VERY specific. I took a couple PDF files and made them .MOBI ebooks for the Kindle. They showed up in the Documents section of the Fire. I went back into Calibre (good software if you own an eReader, FYI) and sure enough there's an option for the Kindle Fire. I reconverted them to the right format and they worked.
3] The browser was slow as hell. I know what's fast and slow on an Android device. My sister has a POS Coby Kyros (also avoid like the plague), I have an EVO 4G and my mother has a 32GB Xoom. The browser in the Fire seemed a lot slower than my EVO 4G, even though the Fire has A LOT better hardware.
4] The lack of hardware buttons was annoying. If you've ever used an Android device for any amount of time you rely heavily on the Back, Home and Menu buttons. You have to touch a very specific spot on the Fire to get those options to come up.
5] The lack of hardware sound buttons was annoying. If you're watching something where you have to constantly lower and/or raise the volume it sucks.
6] Despite the sensor for it there is no Auto Screen Brightness. So you are constantly changing the setting depending on which app is open.
7] The speakers are in a dumb spot. If you're watching a movie/video there's a good chance your hand will be blocking the sound.
8] There is no Android Market. Sure the Amazon Market is sufficient but there are a lot of apps I like that aren't in the Amazon Market.
9] The Fire is too easy to make a purchase (heard this was fixed with the release today). When you set up your Fire it's linked with your Amazon account. If you have to create an account on Amazon you have to enter a credit card to download free apps in the Amazon Market. Then if you click on an app that will cost money it never verifies your purchase. There is no where in the Fire to tell it to ask for a PIN (or something similar) before making purchases. I finally realized there is a way to turn off the auto/easy purchase (whatever Amazon calls it). You have to log into Amazon on your computer and it's buried in your account settings. - If you can't tell this was my biggest issue with the device.
10] Some of the apps that are free in the Android Market now cost money in the Amazon Market. I thought this was some BS.
11] The Fire is way too closed off (or a walled garden if you're up on marketing jargon/BS). There is no Android feel to it. It is just a Amazon purchasing machine. Hence why they're selling it at a loss.
12] No expandable memory. For the love of all that's holy put a damn Micro SDHC slot in the machine. But instead they want you to put your Kindle Fire (eBooks, Movies, Apps, etc...) on the "Cloud". F your cloud I want it on my machine to run immediately.

I know where are a few more things that I didn't like but I can't think of them immediately. If I do I'll come back and edit the post. Hope that helped rather than my trolleriffic "Kindle Fire sucks" statement. Yes I thought it sucks but there's my reasons why.

One other thing... I mentioned the Acer because I've played with a Tegra 2 based tablet (Motorola Xoom 32GB) and Tegra is the way to go. When my contract is up with Sprint and I qualify for a new discounted phone I'll only look at nVidia Tegra based phones (unless something else better comes along). Think of the Fire as an i3 with Intel integrated HD 3000 graphics. The Tegra 2 is more like an i5 with a dedicated video card. I haven't played with any newer dual core phones but the Tegra 2 is nice. I can't wait to see and play with the Tegra 3 (5 cores for a phone/tablet is nuts).

Re: Which eReader?

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 11:44 pm
by DaddyRabbit
But, if you just want to read books?

I have an i5 Windows 7 ASUS tablet at work that I don't use but I read books every day on my Droid X... Its all in what you are looking for. As an additional point the iPad doesn't have expandable memory or a replaceable battery, the new throw away tablet world is born. Amazing how many smart phones are adopting Apple's practices. If you need to read books buy an e-reader. In that space Amazon owns it.

Re: Which eReader?

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 1:49 am
by Major_A
If you just want to read books then get a regular Kindle. The battery life on a regular Kindle is fantastic. But for the $200 price tag on a Fire, I'd say get something else.

Re: Which eReader?

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 6:15 am
by Apoptosis
I used a Kindle Fire the other day that a friend had and it wasn't bad and he loved it.

The new Archos 70b looks sweet also and is under $200... The negative is that it won't be out till January.

Re: Which eReader?

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 6:16 am
by Apoptosis
Major_A wrote: 4] The lack of hardware buttons was annoying. If you've ever used an Android device for any amount of time you rely heavily on the Back, Home and Menu buttons. You have to touch a very specific spot on the Fire to get those options to come up.
Android 4.0 (ICS) might not be your friend ;)

Re: Which eReader?

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 8:25 am
by Major_A
Well that stinks. How long did you get to play with the Fire? Do you agree or disagree with any of my conclusions?