AMD Ryzen Stack photo is disappointing as it seems the only CPU to really blow Intel away in price is the highest end 1800X. 1700X is ok at $40 but the 1700 is only $20. For $20 or $40 it doesn't make me sit up and say WOW AMD is back with a vengeance. The 1800X does....still reading the review though ;)
Why is the VeraCrypt graphic blurry? Unless it's me but everything else looks clear except that. My meds do cause blurry vision but it is not selective lol.
After reading the whole review I do see how price/performance is a bit better in most cases with ALL the cpus and really shines with the 1800X due to the price point being half of Intel's counterpart. I do not understand why the driver was not ready at launch. I mean, people see the first numbers and go, ok it's not bad, when with the drivers it could be a HUGE game changer...maybe.....who knows if it is just a lot of hot air until they (the drivers) are actually released. It is unfinished yet pushed out to meet a deadline, that's a shame. Also the 1080P gaming debacle is just sad. Sweet spot for gaming is still 1080P - - so shouldn't they have focused on that?
I would still be happy buying one of them as I don't game much on the computer anymore (ps3 and ps4 for most of my gaming) and it is a nice price point for performance.
1700x overclocking?