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the swine flu is a scam!

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 6:56 am
by sbohdan
watch these:

David Icke talks about swine flu:

here is what I just found on this topic that is happening right now in Mass.
followed by a leaked government document from France and applying to the 149 WHO member countries: ... r_embedded

the french government document article:

EMERGENCY UPDATE: French government document details forced mass vaccination plans from September 28th: GPs and hospitals to be excluded. Similar documents believed to be circulating in all WHO member states: ... 2%8C%A9=en

and other facts:

The Flu Case - The Jane Burgermeister Official Site:

Re: the swine flu is a scam!

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 7:38 am
by Apoptosis
well I know some forum members here on the forums that have the swine flu right now here in the US, so I can't say that the flu is a scam.

The whole vaccine thing... who knows.... I'll pass though

Re: the swine flu is a scam!

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 6:06 pm
by Sporg
Yeah, who knows what's real and what's not. I had the flu last week, rest, drink fluids, try to stay away from other humans...rinse and repeat. Don't know whether or not it was the flu of the swine or what, but it wasn't too bad, just early.

Re: the swine flu is a scam!

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 9:24 pm
by childishpet
Well, I wouldn't go so far as to say that the flu is a scam, however I think that the vaccine might be.

Re: the swine flu is a scam!

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 10:00 pm
by Sporg
Without doing any research on the vaccine and almost completely shooting from the hip - I thought I saw something the other day where if you want it you have to sign a disclaimer (waiver, whatever the ____ it's called) stating that you won't sue anyone if anything goes wrong. Yeah, sign me up for that.

Re: the swine flu is a scam!

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 3:07 am
by InspectahACE
disclaimer eh?...looks like they're skipping right to the human testing part of getting the vaccine going.

Re: the swine flu is a scam!

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 6:47 am
by sbohdan
childishpet wrote:Well, I wouldn't go so far as to say that the flu is a scam, however I think that the vaccine might be.
just check all that was included in the post and you will see that baxter patented the vaccine in 2007! the 1st swine-flu cases were discovered in Mexico 8 months ago. so how did baxter have a vaccine before the flu ever appeared? so far little over 3000 people died of the swine flu world wide, over 35,000 dies every year of the regular flu. what in the hell justifies a pandemic scare that the WHO is promoting (through the media)? of course when people will start dying by large numbers, the media will say that they died DESPITE the vaccine they got and not FROM the vaccine of course. most people will believe that lie as they believe most of the lies and half-truths coming from the TV...
they already said it on CNN, that the vaccine is in the trial stage, so if you want to be a guinea pig, than just take it - otherwise stay away at all costs. I will clean my gun and have it ready - just in case they want to force me or my family. I posted this so you guys know when it happens and do not go willingly under the blade. just be prepared - that's all.

Re: the swine flu is a scam!

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 3:53 pm
by Sowser
I had H1N1 not too long ago and it only took me out for a couple of days plus the extra day I stayed home after my temperature broke to make sure I didn't pass it along. As flus that I've had go I'd give it about a 3. You can't get the flu from the vaccine because a vaccine is made up of inert pieces of a virus that your immune system develops antibodies for piece by piece (this is why many vaccines are a series of shots) so that when the live virus enters your body you already have a defense for it. Vaccine shots can however tax your immune system to the point where you're more susceptible to other illnesses. So you get a vaccine shot for H1N1, which is a mild flu, and it could make you more likely to contract another, more virulent flu! The fear from the WHO is that H1N1, which isn't very strong but is very communicable, (more-so than other flus) will mutate and become more deadly making it both fast spreading and lethal.

Re: the swine flu is a scam!

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 4:36 am
by sbohdan
Sowser wrote:I had H1N1 not too long ago and it only took me out for a couple of days plus the extra day I stayed home after my temperature broke to make sure I didn't pass it along. As flus that I've had go I'd give it about a 3. You can't get the flu from the vaccine because a vaccine is made up of inert pieces of a virus that your immune system develops antibodies for piece by piece (this is why many vaccines are a series of shots) so that when the live virus enters your body you already have a defense for it. Vaccine shots can however tax your immune system to the point where you're more susceptible to other illnesses. So you get a vaccine shot for H1N1, which is a mild flu, and it could make you more likely to contract another, more virulent flu! The fear from the WHO is that H1N1, which isn't very strong but is very communicable, (more-so than other flus) will mutate and become more deadly making it both fast spreading and lethal.
just reacting to the subject line results in this kind of response. I don't even know why I include the links when you don't read them. I know perfectly well what a vaccine is or what it supposed to be - this one IS NOT LIKE THAT. the leaked out french document and scientists who researched the vaccine, both confirm: this "vaccine" was supplied by the WHO and consists of a highly potent mutation of the bird flu, swine flu and spanish flu (it was developed in a WHO laboratory). anyway, those of you who aren't lazy to listen and read ALL the links will get the picture...

Re: the swine flu is a scam!

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 5:02 am
by Skippman
My concern is with the rampent use of steroids and antibiotics. I worry that much like being in a plastic bubble it's causing peoples immune systems to become less and less effective. Personally, I don't take antibiotics at all when sick. The only time I think I will is if it turns out to be something truely bad that my system just can't fight on it's own.

Re: the swine flu is a scam!

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 1:08 pm
by skier
H1N1 Vaccinations will turn us all to zombies, all im sayin

LOL :lol:

Re: the swine flu is a scam!

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 4:54 pm
by bmaverick





Every year getting the flu shot gave me the flu. What are the chances of getting the swine flu shot and getting that or something worse as a side affect? :shock:

Re: the swine flu is a scam!

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 5:06 pm
by stev

:-k #-o :-k #-o :-k #-o

Re: the swine flu is a scam!

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 8:18 pm
by sbohdan
ok guys here is all you have to know:
here you can also find ready-made fliers you can print and distribute in the tools section. warn as many people as you can!
Law enforcement and military personnel are training to set up checkpoints in order to catch people who refuse to take the swine flu vaccination according to whistle blowers, while health authorities are laying the groundwork for a mass vaccination campaign by warning that serious and potentially deadly health problems will be blamed on the H1N1 vaccine.

In a You Tube video, a woman describing herself as a soldier explains how she was part of a drill in California centered around setting up roadblocks and checkpoints so authorities could check who has received the swine flu vaccine. Those who have had the shots will be fitted with an RFID bracelet so they can be tracked. Those who have not taken the shot will be offered it there and then and if they still refuse, will be carted off to an internment camp, according to the woman.
watch the video: ... dded#t=418

refuse the shots and prepare to fight for your life and the life of your loved once... unfortunately this is not a joke - I wish it was

Re: the swine flu is a scam!

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 8:31 pm
by Sowser
Sowser wrote:
I had H1N1 not too long ago and it only took me out for a couple of days plus the extra day I stayed home after my temperature broke to make sure I didn't pass it along. As flus that I've had go I'd give it about a 3. You can't get the flu from the vaccine because a vaccine is made up of inert pieces of a virus that your immune system develops antibodies for piece by piece (this is why many vaccines are a series of shots) so that when the live virus enters your body you already have a defense for it. Vaccine shots can however tax your immune system to the point where you're more susceptible to other illnesses. So you get a vaccine shot for H1N1, which is a mild flu, and it could make you more likely to contract another, more virulent flu! The fear from the WHO is that H1N1, which isn't very strong but is very communicable, (more-so than other flus) will mutate and become more deadly making it both fast spreading and lethal.
just reacting to the subject line results in this kind of response. I don't even know why I include the links when you don't read them. I know perfectly well what a vaccine is or what it supposed to be - this one IS NOT LIKE THAT. the leaked out french document and scientists who researched the vaccine, both confirm: this "vaccine" was supplied by the WHO and consists of a highly potent mutation of the bird flu, swine flu and spanish flu (it was developed in a WHO laboratory). anyway, those of you who aren't lazy to listen and read ALL the links will get the picture...
I first read this post while I was on break at work (where I'm considered quite an industrious fellow, thanks) and our IT department has YouTube blocked. :evil:
they already said it on CNN, that the vaccine is in the trial stage
Yes they did, back in May. :roll: Here's a link to check out the latest : ... ts/517204/

Here's an article from the Wall Street Journal, mouth-piece of the vast Global Conspiracy To Wipe Out Most of Humanity, where the most evil WHO says that the Swine Flu will almost certainly kill you if you don't get vaccinated. Oh wait, no, they stressed that there are no signs the H1N1 virus has turned more lethal and that the overwhelming majority of people diagnosed with the virus since it surfaced in April experienced mild symptoms and recovered quickly without medical treatment. :-k
the leaked out french document and scientists who researched the vaccine, both confirm: this "vaccine" was supplied by the WHO and consists of a highly potent mutation of the bird flu, swine flu and spanish flu (it was developed in a WHO laboratory).
The WHO makes recommendations and individual countries contract out to produce flu vaccine and while most of them will be using the traditional method of inert virus pieces (who would have thought that they would develop flu vaccines using different kinds of flu?) and various proteins. This company will be delivering a live virus through a nasal spray which I'm sure will, as already stated by Skier, turn all users into slavering undead hungry for the taste of human brains. :axe: ... za-a-h1n1/

Here is a bit about the flu of 1918 which as you will note was much deadlier the second time around which as as I said before is what the MEDICAL COMPLEX is hoping for; I mean is trying to prevent. As THEY say those who are ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it. #-o

This is a nifty little article on how the medical society is gearing up to deal with people blaming everything from their dog getting sick to a bad corn growing season on the flu vaccine. If the H1N1 vaccine were around in 1692 if sure it would be burned for being a witch. :snakeman: ... A720090916

Do I take everything that the WHO, FDA, CDC, and other health orgs say at face value? No. Do I think that a lot of this is being driven by the media and profit hungry drug companies? Yes. I will not be getting a flu shot of any kind nor have I ever, but do I think the Medical Establishment is out to get me? No. While I don't totally believe the health orgs I don't believe everything I see on YouTube or on some crackpot website. (Did you know that Bat Boy will be marrying Mothman in Vermont? I hear that the Jersey Devil will be performing the ceremony!) :drinkers:

Lastly I want to personally thank Sbohdan for belittling me. I really have been getting too big for my britches lately and needed to be put in my place. O:)

Re: the swine flu is a scam!

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 7:51 pm
by stev
Sowser wrote:(Did you know that Bat Boy will be marrying Mothman in Vermont? I hear that the Jersey Devil will be performing the ceremony!) :drinkers:
:shock: Wow it's going to happen :shock:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: the swine flu is a scam!

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 4:29 am
by gibbersome
Please don't believe everything that comes out of David Icke's mouth.

Re: the swine flu is a scam!

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 6:21 am
by sbohdan

Body bags disrupt Canada's flu-readiness message: ... 9K20090916

Mass swine flu coffins warning: ...

french government announces pandemic (it is essential for forced vaccinations): ... 88085.html

Australia clears swine flu vaccine rollout: ... 05&lang=en

this thing just started. prepare yourself!

Re: the swine flu is a scam!

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 3:29 pm
by Graogrim
This thread needs a /facepalm.

Know what I really enjoyed about that first video link? Look at the bookshelves behind the guy. It looks "bulked out" with duplicates.

Re: the swine flu is a scam!

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 8:38 pm
by martini161
the basis of david ickes argument