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Help me understand the movie Source Code

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 5:38 pm
by vbironchef
I am watching it now and I can't understand what's going on except that he is dead and is trying to save lives on a train. He has many chances but it is a slow movie and I have a hard time following the plot.

Edit: I finished the movie and I still don't know how the leading man is still alive. Don't watch the movie because I think it is very lame.

Edit: I think I will stick to watching big bang theory, and two and a half men.

Re: Help me understand the movie Source Code

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 8:06 pm
by bubba
Look at it like the movie '12 Monkeys'

spoiler for those that have not seen it..

Ok, the "source code" is a program that takes the consciousness and puts it in another body in a simulation lasting only 8 minutes of that bodies life. but by the end of the movie you find that its not the sim but really throwing it back in time to the actual event creating an alternate reality. at the end when the life support is stopped the link to the source code is broke, and the consciousness stays in the alternate reality. Thats why at the end you see the lady tech get the email with all the phrases in it and they have yet to test the source code and he is still on life support.

So there is two realities. First being one where the train blows and everyone dies, second created by the source code in where the bomber is stopped and no one dies.

Re: Help me understand the movie Source Code

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 8:27 pm
by Major_A
Can't add anything to what Shane already said. But I liked the movie. I thought Sucker Punch was confusing as Hell but I still liked it. Actually I'm the only person I know that liked it.