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Obamacare's Insurance Rule Is Upheld by Supreme Court

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 9:36 am
by Apoptosis
So the Supreme Court interprets Obama's law as a tax and says it is okay in a 5-4 ruling announced this morning.
"In this case, however, it is reasonable to construe what Congress has done as increasing taxes on those who have a certain amount of income, but choose to go without health insurance," Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in the majority opinion. "Such legislation is within Congress's power to tax."
50% of people pay no federal income taxes and the country is broke. Now what????

Obama said he wouldn't raise taxes, but Obamacare will obviously raise taxes for those that do pay in all tax brackets. How much will the tax brackets go up? 10% each? President Obama said on national TV numerous times that the mandate was not a TAX. The Supreme Court voted that the mandate was constitutional only if it was a TAX. So will the President now go on national TV numerous times and admit it is a TAX?

If the government can make you buy healthcare they can make you buy anything now and just claim it's a 'tax' or something.

Re: Obamacare's Insurance Rule Is Upheld by Supreme Court

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 9:43 am
by bubba
got to love it... not...

the Supreme Court also struck down a law that made it illegal to lie about military service and receiving metals.

Re: Obamacare's Insurance Rule Is Upheld by Supreme Court

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 12:06 pm
by DragonFury
there are some parts of the Obama care, and I like others I don't. The one I like is that no hospital can turn you down because you don't have enough money, also that insurance cannot raise premiums based on a pre existing condition. Ie. My knee, was damaged during my military service, I also served in a combat zone for 6 months. But when I tried to get medical coverage (prior to 2008, during Bushes reign of terror) my premiums were 3 times that of a healthy non injured individual. So consequently I could never get it because I could not afford it, or I got turned down flat. The areas I dont like is the forcing everyone having to have health care. Now you think this is bad? Try Canada, Britain, Australia, France, Germany, and some of the other European nations, it make the US look like boy scouts.

as for as they striking down a law about being able to lie about military service and metals etc. etc. That is piddly stuff. If peeps want to lie and make them selves look all important then by all means. While those types need to lie to get girls a make themselves look all important. I will stick with the truth, along side the ones who did truly serve this country, and can prove it.

Re: Obamacare's Insurance Rule Is Upheld by Supreme Court

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 2:15 pm
by vbironchef
DragonFury, Thank you for your service! I was in the Coast Guard for 8 years. I kinda know about injuries that happened in the military. If you contact your local VA office and have medical records that show your knee was damaged during your military service, any issues that you have will be or should be covered by the government. This is a fact. You should not have to spend a dime on health care for you knee. Look into it, if you have not signed up for VA benefits, then do so ASAP. I really hope that you get your knee fixed as best that it can be. Best Wishes, victor.

Re: Obamacare's Insurance Rule Is Upheld by Supreme Court

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 2:16 pm
by cybergrimes
DragonFury wrote:The one I like is that no hospital can turn you down because you don't have enough money.
That shouldn't be happening already-- every hospital will treat a life threatening issue without insurance. They will not let anyone die! However outside of an emergency any place of business should be free to refuse someone who can't pay for services.

I admittedly don't know much about CHAMPVA/TRICARE but why do you not have that?

Re: Obamacare's Insurance Rule Is Upheld by Supreme Court

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 2:30 pm
by Apoptosis
DragonFury wrote:there are some parts of the Obama care, and I like others I don't. The one I like is that no hospital can turn you down because you don't have enough money
If someone walks into a hospital and falls down they have to help you no matter what and that is in place now, not because of Obamacare.

Re: Obamacare's Insurance Rule Is Upheld by Supreme Court

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 2:30 pm
by vbironchef
DragonFury, If you would like to talk, just send me a PM.

Re: Obamacare's Insurance Rule Is Upheld by Supreme Court

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 3:39 pm
by DragonFury
Apoptosis wrote:
DragonFury wrote:there are some parts of the Obama care, and I like others I don't. The one I like is that no hospital can turn you down because you don't have enough money
If someone walks into a hospital and falls down they have to help you no matter what and that is in place now, not because of Obamacare.

there were some hospitals that would refuse it. Not saying that all did. Again, There are parts that I think that need to be seriously revised and yes your disliking it does have some validity. And I am not arguing that, I also tend to agree with you, on them points. There is always a better solution. Me personally if they want to reduce health care costs they need to start at the hospitals, because thats where 90% of the costs goto, ie 1 pill 6 USD and that's tylonal (how ever it is spelled) they charged the VA 18 USD for a percocet when I had surgery done on my knee. They sent me a copy of the bill. There are some valid points I feel where Obama care has improved, mostly with the insurance companies having to raise premiums, and or denying people coverage based on a a preexisting condition.

I am also a sucker for a good debate, and sometimes I will take the opposing side (been known to, even though I don't like it) just to expand my knowledge of that particular subject. it is how we grow as individuals.

Re: Obamacare's Insurance Rule Is Upheld by Supreme Court

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 4:52 pm
by kenc51
Apologies as I haven't read all of the posts, it's after 11:30pm here
I'm obviously not paying federal, state or local taxes but I don't and won't pay for medial insurance.

Here we have (almost) free health care
If you can't pay, you get a medical card and get everything for free
If you can pay (as in you work), your medical care is heavily subsidised by the state / tax payer.
If I call an ambulance and have to stay overnight in a hospital bed it would cost me ~200 euro
I'd get ~6 months to pay this, even longer if i can show i'm in financial difficulty.

Taxes here are 21% for the lower band and ~40% for the upper rate (anything over 30K / year)
We also only pay taxes on anything earned over a lower limit, this way if your on a low wage you pay less.

Our taxes pay for this "privilage" to get health care. Sure we wait a little longer and you may not get a private room in hospital, but you get treated by the same doctors as those in the private system.

The only benefit to the private system here is a nicer bed and if you need a scan or non life threatning operation it happens sooner. If you want you can pay extra to go the private route, but you don't have to be paying into private medical insurance to do this

I think if the US take up this model it would work well. I also think that what will happen in your case is that more and more people will stop paying into the private system. This will over time bring your tax increase down as there will be more money coming into your "public system"
How much money is donated to private hospitals each year? There are whole hospital wings named after donators. This cash will all funnel into the public system over time.

I think you should embrace this. It's not going to help the person without a family yet, it might not even help those who do as sure initially it's going to cost you.

It's the next generation and onwards who will truly be the benefactors of this.

Re: Obamacare's Insurance Rule Is Upheld by Supreme Court

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 5:09 pm
by vbironchef
DragonFury wrote:I am also a sucker for a good debate, and sometimes I will take the opposing side (been known to, even though I don't like it) just to expand my knowledge of that particular subject. it is how we grow as individuals.
About the Obamacare's Insurance Rule Is Upheld by Supreme Court,

Really all that has changed if you still want real care is that your dollar amount will go up. Once people realize that real care is going to cost Individuals more money out of their own pocket, hence, the people with the money to spend on health care will be given much better options for treatment than someone that can't handle the co-pay. The doctors are one step closer to working for the insurance companies so don't expect the doctors to go out of their way to give care that is not approved by the insurance company.

Edit: For example, who is going to pay for a second or third opinion? That's right, you are!

Re: Obamacare's Insurance Rule Is Upheld by Supreme Court

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 5:36 pm
by DragonFury
it fixes a few areas that needed to be fixed, but leaves other areas wide open. It is just I cannot say that Obama care is all bad or all good. Because there are certain parts that do a lot of good others not so good.
vbironchef wrote:About the Obamacare's Insurance Rule Is Upheld by Supreme Court,

Really all that has changed if you still want real care is that your dollar amount will go up. Once people realize that real care is going to cost Individuals more money out of their own pocket, hence, the people with the money to spend on health care will be given much better options for treatment than someone that can't handle the co-pay. The doctors are one step closer to working for the insurance companies so don't expect the doctors to go out of their way to give care that is not approved by the insurance company.

Edit: For example, who is going to pay for a second or third opinion? That's right, you are!
You have a very valid point, and I do happen to agree with you on them points.

This particular thread has been very enlightening, as there were things I did not even know.