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Am I an EVIL person?

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 11:46 am
by Cannyone
Early this year a water pipe broke outside my apartment. This resulted in some of the concrete being broken up, so they could dig a hole and fix the pipes. But they didn't replace the concrete.

Recently they put some sand, then put some loose dirt on top of that. Now every cat in the neighborhood is using this spot as a public toilet!! :evil: I wish I could catch one in the act. I'd gladly get some sheit on my boot for the chance to kick a cat across the parking lot. But what I really want to do is put out some anti-freeze in a tuna fish can and .... Well some of you know what will happen. :oops: Is this just evil of me or what?

Seriously, Help me decide what to do about my cat problem!

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 12:04 pm
by Apoptosis
well I just bought a back of quick concrete from home depot and a single 60lb bag was just two dollars... I'd advise doing it yourself... buy a bag and pour it yourself and then write your name in it... I highly advise doing this at 3am when no one is awake though.

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 12:10 pm
by Razorbacx
I'm not a cat fan either, but not so sure poisoning them would qualify you as a Good Guy... :) I'd spend the two dollars and do what Apop said.

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 1:27 pm
by infinitevalence
putting down your own == quasi legal

killing cats... == very illeagal and they will bust your ass for that :(

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 1:29 pm
by T-Shirt
Don't blame (or kill) the cats for doing what comes naturally.
get the manager to fix it, or as Apop said, cement is cheap just mix a couple bags in the top couple inchs of dirt, and wet it down.
in a couple hours it will be too hard (crusty!) for even the tuffest cat

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 4:57 pm
by Cannyone
Ok there is one fact that I did not discuss yet. The majority of these cats are completely feral (as in wild, no owner, types) that feed out of the dumpster, which is just across the parking lot. In the past I've even called the SPCA because they would have fights in the middle of the night right outside my apartment. The SPCA refused to do anything - they suggested that I "feed" them! :roll:

Now I don't want to kill someone's sweet little kitty. But these cats, the ones that I can see occasionally, don't qualify as that at all. They're street cats with scars from fights, chunks of ear, and tips of tails missing, and they are covered with flees and ticks. My preferred method of "disposal" might be "target practice". However, discharging a firearm in the city limits IS Illegal, and I don't even own a gun anymore.

In the same fashion, it's technically "illegal" for me to modify the landlord's property without their permission. So the 3am quickcrete action might get me in trouble as well.

This leaves me with the basic two choices: find some way to keep the cats away, or apply enough pressure to the management to force them into action. Legally speaking this situation could eventually constitute "constructive eviction" and would allow me to move out without paying penalties for breaking my lease. The biggest problem with that is that I can't afford to move atm, even though almost any other apartment complex would be appealing atm.

I will continue to try and persuade the manager. But people, being what we are, don't like it when someone else forces us to do anything! And in the mean time I will try my best to tolerate the stench of cat poop outside my door, at least a little longer. I guess I was hoping someone might know of some other way of getting cats to stay away...

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 5:22 pm
by Topher
There has to be another way....
How about a scarecrow? Or something in the literal sense. Maybe put one of those stuffed dogs (that look real) out there on the spot and tie a little note around it's collar with a small explanation why it's there so nobody walks off with it.

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 5:42 am
by KnightRid
Apoptosis wrote:well I just bought a back of quick concrete from home depot and a single 60lb bag was just two dollars... I'd advise doing it yourself... buy a bag and pour it yourself and then write your name in it... I highly advise doing this at 3am when no one is awake though.
perfect solution - CHEAP and it fixes the problem. No need to get angry at animals for doing instinctive things - are lions wrong for killing another animal to eat? man might be at the top of the food chain, for now ;)


plus i have a cat, and people are the reason there are so many feral cats around.

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 7:33 am
by Apoptosis
Cannyone wrote:In the same fashion, it's technically "illegal" for me to modify the landlord's property without their permission. So the 3am quickcrete action might get me in trouble as well.
Pre-mix it in a small bucket walk by and dump it in the hole... no one will ever know... you'll feel like bond after you get away with it.

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 11:50 am
by Razorbacx
As much fun as any one of us could have with giving you a lot of grief about your problem, it does sound like you do have a real problem on your hands and that nobody has or will do anything about it. I would write a letter to your local government and express to them your situation and provide them details of who you spoke to at SPCA, when and how many times as well as how many times you've spoken with the Apartment's Manager. Sometimes all it takes is pushing the button of the right person to get some action.

Case in point, several years ago I purchased a computer from an add in a computer magazine that by all accounts looked really good. When I got it, the thing was junk and I do mean junk. I made every attempt to make contact with the manufacturer, keeping records of every call and e-mail, but they chose to ignore me, so I wrote to the Attorney General's office and the Better Business Bureau. I provided a phone record and a copy of every e-mail I sent along with a detailed letter identifying every problem with the computer itself. Within a week I had the Arkansas Attorney General's Office in a three way call to the VP of the computer manufacturer and received a full refund as well as a refund for all shipping and handling. Lesson learned on my part!

It sounds like you are miserable about this, so I would do myself a favor and take it to the next level. Good luck!

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 5:45 pm
by Cannyone
Razorbacx wrote:As much fun as any one of us could have with giving you a lot of grief about your problem, it does sound like you do have a real problem on your hands and that nobody has or will do anything about it. I would write a letter to your local government and express to them your situation and provide them details of who you spoke to at SPCA, when and how many times as well as how many times you've spoken with the Apartment's Manager. Sometimes all it takes is pushing the button of the right person to get some action.

Case in point, several years ago I purchased a computer from an add in a computer magazine that by all accounts looked really good. When I got it, the thing was junk and I do mean junk. I made every attempt to make contact with the manufacturer, keeping records of every call and e-mail, but they chose to ignore me, so I wrote to the Attorney General's office and the Better Business Bureau. I provided a phone record and a copy of every e-mail I sent along with a detailed letter identifying every problem with the computer itself. Within a week I had the Arkansas Attorney General's Office in a three way call to the VP of the computer manufacturer and received a full refund as well as a refund for all shipping and handling. Lesson learned on my part!

It sounds like you are miserable about this, so I would do myself a favor and take it to the next level. Good luck!
Yeah! You're Right!! I talked to my neighbor and she will help me gather signatures on a petition, regarding the feral cats. Not more than 1 hr ago some of my other neighbors spotted one of the cats that was foaming at the mouth and staggering around (sounded like rabies to me). We called Animal Control and reported it. I've also contacted the Landlord/Tennant Relations Board, and am preparing a letter stating my grievances. Then after my neighbor and I have collected at least 30 signatures, from our part of the apartment complex, I'll take that and letters from myself and my neighbor to the board.

Also I don't mind folks giving me a hard time. I was feeling guilty that I could even consider poisoning these creatures, irregardless of how much I detest the odor of cat feces. I guess I just needed someone to tell me to STOP! being a putz and do something constructive. Thanks! :)

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 9:33 am
by Topher
That's right! Now you can take comfort in the fact that once animal control comes and picks them up, they'll be euthanized accordingly! So now, you'll be doing lots of work getting petitions signed and complaining to official people, just so someone "else" will have to kill them. :mrgreen:

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 2:08 pm
by stev
Take the problem to the other end of the thought here. Dump a big bag of catnip into the hole and sand. In no time, the cats will dig the hole out down to the pipe. The apartment manager will then have to do something about those crasy cats making a mess. :mrgreen:

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 9:32 pm
by DeusEx
hey dont be a wussy, i suggest getting the concrete and fixing the hole and after that you can destroy the cats. no need for feline pests in ur face all the time.

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 1:53 am
by Kerii
Take a chisel and put a hole in the concrete by the manager's apartment, then fill with sand. :P

Do this at night of course, with a very small chisel to avoid making loud noises. :mrgreen:

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 11:06 am
by pcrobot
Would anyone care if some poison accidentally spilled into that hole? :)

Or, (the geeky way) put a piece of electric fencing in the hole so when the cats relieve themselves... Image
they will have a shocking experience, needless to say. :lol:

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 7:50 pm
by Cannyone
Oh now those are some good suggestions!! I especially like Kerii's idea - just that the manager doesn't live in the complex.

Animal Control has in fact come in and removed most of the cats. To be precise, just as Topher predicted, the Animal Control officer confirmed that they would all be euthanized because some of them were obviously rabid, and their prospects for adoption were about nill anyway. So the positive side, from my perspective, is that these animals won't die from kidney failure... NO wait! I don't know exactly how they put animals like this to "sleep". :shock: Well I guess their end will at least be swifter, and less painfull, than anti-freeze induced kidney failure. They probably use some form of sedative, with whatever chemical actually kills them.

On Monday I will take my grievances to the Landlord/Tennant Relations board and schedule a hearing. See I don't intend to leave this "area" without cement. And the Manager is going to do it, whether she wants to or not!

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 10:45 pm
by DeusEx
i still think my suggestion was the best