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[Project]Web F@H Monitor

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 10:03 pm
by TraceHagan
Would you like to be able to monitor your clients from the internet?
Well, that's what this project will be.
It will be available through accounts on, after I write the scripts and programs.

I'll let you know progress through this forum post.

Please post ideas, etc. and I will let you know when the Alpha is up and ready to test.

I need to know what features you would like to see before I actually start programming.

Overall progress

Code: Select all

Client Updater: 0%
Web Tables: 0%
Web Scripts: 0%
Specific Feature Progress:

Code: Select all

No Specific Features yet requested/chosen

Re: [Project]Web F@H Monitor

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 3:31 am
by DMB2000uk
An automated fancypants stat sheet for next time :P


Re: [Project]Web F@H Monitor

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 10:20 am
by TraceHagan
If I we're to do it in excel, I would be able to do that. And then can't Google Docs import an Excel spreadsheet?

Re: [Project]Web F@H Monitor

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 10:29 am
by DMB2000uk
Excel can pull the stats automatically from EOC in excel?

How would you do that?

Google doc's can import excel things, but I'm not sure how fancy they can translate advanced formulae/expressions.


Re: [Project]Web F@H Monitor

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 10:31 am
by TraceHagan
You can pull web data, so all you would need to do is create a PHP script or similar to parse the data, and then pull that into your excel document

Re: [Project]Web F@H Monitor

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 10:40 am
by TraceHagan

Code: Select all

=ImportHtml(URL, "list" | "table", index). This imports the data in a particular table or list from an HTML page. The arguments to the function are as follows:

URL - the url of the HTML page 
either "list" or "table" to indicate what type of structure to pull in from the webpage. If it's "list," the function looks for the contents of <UL>, <OL>, or <DL> tags; if it's "table," it just looks for <TABLE> tags. 
index - the 1-based index of the table or the list on the source web page. The indices are maintained separately so there might be both a list #1 and a table #1. 
Example: =ImportHtml("", "table",4). This function returns demographic information for the population of India. 
From: ... swer=75507