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Stupid linux questions

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 12:58 pm
by Xerxes
Ok the company i work for has decided to start selling systems with linux, currently using fedora core but im open to someone convincing me of another distro such as mandrake or suse. Anyways these systems are going to be totally preconfigured I get to think of questions that a customer would ask after they've bought the system and heh i get to train the sales people on how to do basic support also.

I'm kinda at a loss for much of a list, so far I have simple things such as how to mount and unmount storage devices, configure dialup and ip settings and a simple walk through for a reinstall/new install. Remember driver wise if its not already supported he doesnt want to do it as he only wants a quick, cheap, simple solution.

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 1:00 pm
by infinitevalence
then i would use RH9 and not fedora, or Lycoris Desktop/LX.
Top 5 Beginner-Friendly Distributions
1. Xandros Desktop
2. Linspire
3. Lycoris Desktop/LX
4. Ark Linux
5. College Linux

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 6:31 pm
by Xerxes
well college and lycoris are a little behind on drivers, fedora c3 t2 is about where he really wants it at (he has way too many wants me thinks :)) and he doesnt want to pay for an os as he doesnt think the customer wants to (at the sub $300 price point) so linspire and xandros are out which is kinda sad as linspire has put some extra work into supporting the really cheap ass win modems that he wanted to bundle with it. I really havent looked at ark so no comment there :)

I just cant think of anything else unless i write and article on how to configure every stupid little thing and most people that have used windows should be able to figure out :) (just venting a bit ;)) Even the im client is easy to setup