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Corrupted HAL.DLL + Bad HD?

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 11:29 am
by top
Lengthy but revolves around the corrupted HAL.DLL issue, but more possible an HD issue...

I was listening to some tunes and typing in an text editor when all of a sudden my system crashes- or freezes. The screen is still there but everything is frozen and my num-lock is stuck. I rebooted the system and windows froze after the boot screen. I restarted again and attempted to access safe mode but got the hal.dll corrupted error screen. I did my research by reading Langa's article and by reading this forum's sticky and was ready to fix the problem but then I couldn't access the Recovery Console. Every time I attempted to access the Recovery Console, WinXP setup would lock up. The bottom, status thingy was saying it was reading my 2 hd's in RAID 0 when it crashed. So, I downloaded my HDs' Diagnostics tools (2x WD Raptor 150GB) and checked both of my HDs (Which are in RAID 0). One drive came up with errors, and the Diagnostics claimed to have fixed them. Went back to WinXP setup and got the same results I had before. I ran Diagnostics again and got the same "errors detected" msg and that the errors were repaired on the same HD that had errors before. Believe it or not, I tried the Recovery Console again but no third time's a charm.

On a second note: At one point when I attempted to change my boot priority to 1st boot CD-ROM from 1st boot floppy after I ran the Diagnostics, I accidently had the RAID as the first boot device and it tried to boot Windows. This time it went straight for that HAL.DLL msg instead of just crashing after the boot screen.

As I'm writing this, I'm doing another round of the Diagnostics and then going to run a memtest. But overall, if I can't even get to the recovery console, then I would think the HD(s) have gone bad, well at least one of them. Either that or Corrupted HAL and RAID don't mix.

What do you guys think? I know on this forum's sticky, some arguments on the thread were never resolved, and some issues weren't covered (Like this one! :p)