No More Mother Board Monitor (MBM)

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No More Mother Board Monitor (MBM)

Post by Apoptosis »

It's been rumored, but now it is official. MBM will cease to be updated after 7.5 years of updates and development.
Yes you read it right, after thinking about it for several weeks I have decided to stop development on MBM. Over the years many (if not all) clones appeared that tried to do what MBM did. Some succeeded others did not. Some I feel where technically and user wise better then MBM but with an average of 6000 hits a day and coverage on almost every PC magazine in the world it still seems to be the most popular monitoring tool around. And it is better to stop at your peak :)
Why exactly is he calling it quits?
So why cancel MBM ? There are several reasons for this:

The industrie itself, it is getting harder and harder to get any good info from companies, Abit and the Uguru was a good example but you can alsmost put any other name in the list, getting info from ATI, VIA, SiS, Asus is as good as impossible, and so I depend more and more on MBM users to help me with info and it is just plain frustrating to keep sending mails to companies asking for info and getting no or a BS reply back.

Time, I spend about an hour a day answering mail and answering the forum, the FAQ does not stop many users from still mailing me with the same old questions. This is not just the users fault, the design of MBM could have been better but when I started it everything was pretty simple and the core of MBM is simply old, making changes to it requires a lot of work and changes.

Keeping up with the sensor world, many GFX cards come out with sensor chip, I tried the plugin method in the hope that users would pick that up, a few did but overal it was not a big success, so to keep MBM up to date I would need to do the GFX stuff myself, wich means I need GFX cards. The donation I get for MBM does not make up for that I am afriad

Motivation, 7.5 years is a long time...... :)
After reading those reasons I don't blame him!
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Post by infinitevalence »

MBM has been a useful tool for sure. I run it and it will be missed, on the good side more and more manufactuers are producing produts that do similar things. but they are not as good. I love having my tempreture in two little icons in the taskbar. it makes it easy to know how hot my system is running.

<side note> my keyboard died in the middle of writing this post want to talk about a fun experience</side>
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Post by pastorjay »

WOW! What disappointing news. Understandable, but disappointing.

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Post by Bio-Hazard »

I'm going to miss it that's for sure. But his newest update didn't work with my system running SP2 RC2, so I guess stopping now isn't a bad idea as SP2 will be a complete revision of the software ............. :shock:
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