Disk Defragmenting

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Disk Defragmenting

Post by rogermoss »

Okay I have used Executive Software's Diskeeper 8.0 for some time now and have been relativley happy. I have just been reading up on some other products and was wondering what other peoples opinions are.

There seems to be four major apps out there:

Diskeeper 9.0
PerfectDisk 7.0
Norton Speed Disk2005 (Part of Norton System Utilities)
O&O Defrag

From what I have read each persons preference is based on what they have originally installed and used. I can't seem to get an opinion based on testing of all these products.

Raxco's web site have published a white paper comparing their product to Executives Software's Diskeeper and of course there's is better.

I am not sure whether to upgrade to the new Diskeeper 9.0 or try Raxco's PerfectDisk.
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