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NVIDIA GF100 versus GeForce GTX 285 Video Card in Far Cry 2

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 4:47 pm
by Apoptosis

Listen to Lars from NVIDIA talk about the Far Cry 2 Benchmark as it runs on a GF100 and a GTX285 graphics cards in side by side test systems. The final results were 84FPS on the GF100 and 50FPS on the GTX285. Not bad for ultra high image quality at 1920x1200

Re: NVIDIA GF100 versus GeForce GTX 285 Video Card in Far Cry 2

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 9:49 am
by jnanster
And that's faster than my gtx295...a great improvement.

Re: NVIDIA GF100 versus GeForce GTX 285 Video Card in Far Cry 2

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 11:13 am
by Apoptosis
jnanster wrote:And that's faster than my gtx295...a great improvement.
just curious did you run the benchmark just now on your system?

Re: NVIDIA GF100 versus GeForce GTX 285 Video Card in Far Cry 2

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 11:29 am
by ckthecerealkiller
Sorry if this is in the vid but I'm at work and all streaming is blocked. Is AA or AF enabled?

Re: NVIDIA GF100 versus GeForce GTX 285 Video Card in Far Cry 2

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 12:24 pm
by Apoptosis
ckthecerealkiller wrote:Sorry if this is in the vid but I'm at work and all streaming is blocked. Is AA or AF enabled?
yes, 4x AA was enabled.

Re: NVIDIA GF100 versus GeForce GTX 285 Video Card in Far Cry 2

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 12:47 pm
by DJ Tucker
nice a only get 40fps in far cry 2 with my setup all at max well 4x aa and full af! can't wait for the cards

Re: NVIDIA GF100 versus GeForce GTX 285 Video Card in Far Cry 2

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 1:14 pm
by kenc51
Can't really compare the two cards in this benchmark. Even Nvidia mentions this.
The physics in this benchmark/game is random, and from the looks of the video the GTX285 had more AI etc on-screen.
I'm sure the GF100 will be faster, but I'll wait for results when more stable drivers and a better benchmark is used.

for now, this is just PR

Re: NVIDIA GF100 versus GeForce GTX 285 Video Card in Far Cry 2

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 5:47 pm
by MediaMunkey
This is certainly encouraging, but as kenc51 mentioned we can't really take this too much as gospel considering the benchmark used and the fact it wasn't final specs.
Then again, I can't imagine Nvidia would want to come out with a dud given they are already so far behind AMD at the moment.
At the very least the new cards from Nvidia should get the prices of all cards down somewhat. :)

Re: NVIDIA GF100 versus GeForce GTX 285 Video Card in Far Cry 2

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 8:41 pm
by Apoptosis

Dark Void is a good one to use...

Re: NVIDIA GF100 versus GeForce GTX 285 Video Card in Far Cry 2

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 6:21 pm
by hark
Can't wait to see someone benchmark a GF100 with Crysis.

Re: NVIDIA GF100 versus GeForce GTX 285 Video Card in Far Cry 2

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 9:07 pm
by Apoptosis
hark wrote:Can't wait to see someone benchmark a GF100 with Crysis.
Crysis??? Who still plays that game? That game came out Q4 2007!!

Re: NVIDIA GF100 versus GeForce GTX 285 Video Card in Far Cry 2

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 1:41 am
by shamrok3
*puts up hand* I still play Crysis Warhead.

Re: NVIDIA GF100 versus GeForce GTX 285 Video Card in Far Cry 2

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 12:11 pm
by MediaMunkey
Apoptosis wrote:Crysis??? Who still plays that game? That game came out Q4 2007!!
I think the point is that the graphics are still completely unsurpassed in terms of quality and GPU requirements.
Kind of sad really. Seriously, where are the better looking games? Perhaps we'll have to wait for Rage or Crysis 2.

Re: NVIDIA GF100 versus GeForce GTX 285 Video Card in Far Cry 2

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 2:36 pm
by skier
i wouldn't call crysis all that beautiful at this point, its just horribly optimized compared to todays games(ie, looks as good as a new game, but at much worse framerates)

Re: NVIDIA GF100 versus GeForce GTX 285 Video Card in Far Cry 2

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 3:02 am
by hark
Crysis is definitely the best-looking game out there, even though it came out two years ago. If you don't think so aesthetically, the game is still at least the most accomplished technically. Crysis is quite optimized, it just does a lot of things that you may or may not notice which put it on a level of its own. To make a comparison relevant to this topic, Far Cry 2 is very inferior to Crysis graphically. To start, textures are more detailed in Crysis. The lighting and post-processing effects are also more advanced. The water is a day and night difference, where Far Cry 2 has Half-Life 2-like water surfaces and completely ugly underwater rendering. Compare that to Crysis's water with actual waves and gorgeous underwater effects. Crysis draws a much farther distance than Far Cry 2 ever does. The physics are another big difference. Whereas Crysis shows off destructible buildings and trees, Far Cry 2 has the standard "blow up this gas canister to see this part of the building (and only that part of the building) blow up" and the ability to shoot only the tips of some trees off. Even with rag dolls, Crysis's rag dolls actually have friction to them while Far Cry 2's rag dolls slide like greased up penguins on ice. The weather effects are another difference. Rain falls and they use texture effects to show it running down objects. The snow fall is simply awesome. Crysis can even have interactive real-time tornadoes (unfortunately rarely used in the game, but they're still there). Far Cry 2 was ho-hum in this regard. Another thing is that the AI is more advanced in Crysis. I think in Far Cry 2 they're using the same or a slightly modified version of the AI from the original Far Cry, complete with inhuman accuracy by otherwise stupid and useless enemies. Finally, Crysis just pushes out a lot more polygons per scene and because of this, the game's 3D models far exceed those of pretty much all (if not outright all) other games out there.

Still, if this doesn't convince you, Crysis Warhead came out merely a month before Far Cry 2. So if that's too old, then Far Cry 2 is too old to care about as well.

Re: NVIDIA GF100 versus GeForce GTX 285 Video Card in Far Cry 2

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 1:10 pm
by InspectahACE
Here's a comparison....I don't need more than 1 GPU to hit 30+ fps in Far Cry 2...I do with Crysis...even on my current rig....2 years later than it was is that optimized? lol.. :toimonster:

Re: NVIDIA GF100 versus GeForce GTX 285 Video Card in Far Cry 2

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 3:13 pm
by skier
Crysis warhead is the only DX9 game i own that i can't play at mid-high settings, aside from GTAIV(but that has a lot more to it than trees dirt and an occasional building) and at the quality settings i'm forced to use for Warhead, other games look better, and STILL run smoother

some poor demos throughout the industry anyway, no one seems to be able to showcase their tech as well as they could(well either that or their new tech is fail)

Re: NVIDIA GF100 versus GeForce GTX 285 Video Card in Far Cry 2

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 4:54 pm
by hark
InspectahACE wrote:Here's a comparison....I don't need more than 1 GPU to hit 30+ fps in Far Cry 2...I do with Crysis...even on my current rig....2 years later than it was is that optimized? lol.. :toimonster:
You have ignored almost the entirety of my post. The point is that Crysis pulls off a lot more effects than Far Cry 2 ever does. Show me a game that pulls off what Crysis does using less powerful hardware. Far Cry 2 doesn't even come close, so don't try citing that. So, considering the amount of technical feats that Crysis achieves, I would say it's quite optimized. It just happens to be ahead of its time.
skier wrote:Crysis warhead is the only DX9 game i own that i can't play at mid-high settings, aside from GTAIV(but that has a lot more to it than trees dirt and an occasional building) and at the quality settings i'm forced to use for Warhead, other games look better, and STILL run smoother
Really? I can play on all high settings on Crysis Warhead with an 8800GT 512MB card. Perhaps your CPU or RAM is the problem (where I have a Q6600 and 4GB of RAM). Either way, while at lower settings Crysis can look ugly, there is still a lot more going on in the background. Crysis as a technical achievement cannot be denied and to call it unoptimized is quite ignorant. Crysis is still the best benchmark out there (and a much better game than Far Cry 2, for that matter).