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Nvidia Quadro FX3800 Video Card Problems...

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 3:10 pm
by Robert Barnett

I just purchased an Nvidia Quadro FX3800 video card for my PC. I am running Windows 7 Professional 64-bit. I have downloaded and installed the latest drivers and I am still having problems. Problems I am hoping someone can help me with. My problems are...

1. When I tell Windows to shutdown I get the "Shutting Down" screen and then nothing. Even hours later it is still stuck there. I have press the power button on the case to turn it off. I do not however get a message from Windows 7 when I reboot that something happened. It just boots up as if the shutdown was successful. Another interesting thing is I hear the same pop of my speakers that I heard before putting the card in when it would turn off. I am just wondering if this new shutdown method is because the card is connected to the power supply and Windows is unable to do a full shutdown and so it shuts everything down but the video card and that requires the use of the power button on the case? Any ideas?

2. I have two monitors connected to the video card using DisplayPort cables (Belkin 10ft cables.) When I position for example Microsoft Outlook 2003 on my second monitor maximized and I either turn the monitors off because I am not going to use the computer for awhile or the screen saver kicks in when I get the display back Outlook is now a floating window always in the upper left corner of the second monitor. When I click on the maximize button it jumps to the primary monitor as a floating window. This is driving me up the wall. Any ideas?



Re: Nvidia Quadro FX3800 Video Card Problems...

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 3:19 pm
by vbironchef
Return the graphic card.

Re: Nvidia Quadro FX3800 Video Card Problems...

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 3:19 pm
by Darkstar
if you start in safe mode does it shut down properly?

i remember some setting in the Nvidia program that controls some of the target windows functions, not sure where i saw it though..... also are you using one of Win7 default screensavers?


Re: Nvidia Quadro FX3800 Video Card Problems...

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 4:55 pm
by Robert Barnett
I have looked in the Nvidia control panel and have found nothing that controls the windows. I just checked and didn't have a screen saver set. I normally just turn the monitors off when I go to leave and back on when I come back. I let Windows shut the monitors down after 20 minutes in case I forget. But no screen saver.

I just turn on a screen saver and made sure that windows was set to turn the monitors off after 20 minutes. The screen saver came on, windows shut down the monitors and when I came back all of the programs running came up where they were supposed to and just how I left them.

So I think I missing something. As for booting in to safe mode and trying to shutdown I will try that. I will post the results shortly.

Returning the card is out of the question. I am trying to get ready for Adobe CS5 which from all accounts is going to be a big GPU user and with the proper card really be a hum dinger.



Re: Nvidia Quadro FX3800 Video Card Problems...

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 5:10 pm
by Robert Barnett
After booting in to Windows 7 Safe Mode and choosing Shutdown the computer shutsdown. It just won't do it in normal mode. Any suggestions?


Re: Nvidia Quadro FX3800 Video Card Problems...

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 8:30 am
by Darkstar
if safe mode worked for shutdown then its possibly a 3rd party driver, you could try the clean boot method to start eliminating things. What are the rest of your system specs? any special audio cards, usb devices? Also if you motherboard has a Firewire port, in device manager make sure the "allow windows to turn off this device......." is ticked.
also did you update the Bios?