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What's the best memory?

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 12:58 am
by InspectahACE
As the title says. ...I'm in the market for new ram as Patriot is a good brand, I just feel there's better out there, but with so many brands now, and i'm rather not sure on which way to go. I see alot of good reviews and good remarks about G.Skill not sure about them but read many good things bout them.I know I wouldn't mind sticking with Corsair or Kingston, but if theres one that one feels is a bit better by all means inform me..a good honest opinion would be greatly appreciated :P

Re: What's the best memory?

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 1:26 am
by hercules71185
Honestly ram is a money trap. Depending on what you are doing its worth your time. I have cheapo team elite ddr2800 its flawless. Stays cool overclocks nicely. You can go out and buy 1000 dollar ram if you really want to. But, honest the performance difference is so subtle that you might as well save the money from ram. Get 2 + gb at least if you are a gamer or editor. And put the saved the money on your processor and video card.
If your mobo supports ddr2800 its good to get that since you have more options to overclock.
If it supports ddr21066 same thing. Patriot brand.. I have some for sale if you want it lol. It's ok for basic use. But, for anything major its not going to really do much. It was holding back my system during overclocking so I took my patriot brand out.